Social Internetworking
November 30, 2010 –When we visit Facebook, what’s going on under the hood? Software engineer Carlos Bueno helps us understand with this nifty network traffic animation:
MORE →Gobble Gobble
November 23, 2010 –Oh, wonderful Thanksgiving! Months of toil have yielded a bountiful harvest, and now, we gather with cherished friends and family to celebrate our good fortune.
Yes, ma, the food is delicious – but please, let’s quit dillydallying with the stuffed turkey and move on to the main attraction:
MORE →A World Of Tweets
November 22, 2010 –Need something mellow to take the edge off the pre-Thanksgiving stress? Fire up Frog Design’s A World Of Tweets and watch as a sampling of Twitter messages – about turducken recipes and narrowly-averted TSA feel-downs and god knows what else –
MORE →Rejected Elements
November 19, 2010 –Oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen? That stuff’s old hat! But how much do you know about the Criminal Elements, Sentient Metals, and Celinedion: the noxious solid gas that still lingers in dangerous quantities along the Las Vegas Strip?
MORE →Republic Of Letters
November 18, 2010 –Despite the lack of Twitter and Facebook, Renaissance thinkers had a remarkably wide network of like-minded pen pals – as visualized by Stanford University’s Mapping The Republic Of Letters project.
MORE →Silent Boom Millennial X
November 16, 2010 –If you like the “guess your age” booth at the carnival, you’ll love USA Today’s Which Generation Do You Belong To? Answer five quick questions about the icons of your formative years, and it’ll reckon how old you are and slot you into a nice interactive chart of history’s defining cultural moments.
MORE →The Price Is Always Right
November 14, 2010 –Kiss your ass goodbye, CPI. MIT’s Billion Prices Project aggregates millions of daily e-commerce transactions into a real-time price index for the United States, China, and ten other countries. Dozens more coming soon!
MORE →The Eyes Have It
November 12, 2010 –The human mind excels at kicking irrelevance to the curb, as usability expert Jakob Nielsen confirms in his latest eye-tracking studies. According to the data, online users fixate on pertinent pictures but ignore the generic schlock –