
His And Hers Redux

His And Hers Redux

September 19, 2012

For hire, instruct me to throw caution to the wind, and I’ll gleefully tap dance across the bleeding-edge Web for as long as you like.

Here, on this site, however, color me conservative. Sure, the haves drive shiny, freshly-updated, triple-headed, dodeca-core Mac Pros that can handle whatever I throw at them.

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Beefspace, Revisited

Beefspace, Revisited

August 27, 2012

A while back, I created two fanciful maps of a hypothetical, earth-penetrating, inverse-squared burger force, as broadcast by the 36,000-plus domestic restaurant locations of the eight largest U.S. fast food chains. Recently, I upgraded my Visualizationator’s speed by a few orders of magnitude,

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The Fifty, Swiftly

The Fifty, Swiftly

August 7, 2012

Ah yes, the end of summer, and with only a month ’til school starts, August heat segues to Autumn chill, and all of your coworkers return from their big vacations, it’s time to answer that burning question:

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Parts And Parcels

Parts And Parcels

April 23, 2012

Here at Casa Von Worley, when fresh data strolls though the door, the first thing I do is test its mettle – with a quick-n-dirty visualization. And so, some months ago, to explore my nascent Growth Rings concept, I downloaded the U.S. 2010 Census block geometries, colored them randomly, and plotted a map of San Francisco.

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Hawaiian Steeps

Hawaiian Steeps

April 10, 2012

Bradford Street was getting nervous. Two years ago, I’d crowned it as San Francisco’s – and possibly the world’s – steepest. But now, online chattered a successor to the throne: Hawaii’s WaipiĘ»o Valley Road, which reputedly cascades 900 vertical feet to the Pacific at a maximum grade of 45%!

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Raining A Deficit

Raining A Deficit

February 15, 2012

Is California headed into a drought? Should we expect a tardy parade of storms – the mythical March Miracle – to bury the Sierra and refill our reservoirs? Or will high pressure lock down the North Pacific, nudge the jet stream towards Alaska for good, and doom us to eight more months of summer?

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Where The 0.05% Live

Where The 0.05% Live

January 17, 2012

Hello there, friend. I’m the country. Chances are, within the past week or three, you flew over or motored right through me. And that’s okay, of course – life’s hectic, and it’s a long way from here to there. But I miss you.

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Rank Candidates, Pie Edition

Rank Candidates, Pie Edition

November 29, 2011

Now, to accentuate the late round action, a few circular variations of our San Francisco 2011 mayoral election ranked choice voting visualizations.

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